Life At The Basic

Learn this basic fact of life and you will have peace.

That no matter what you do and no matter how many times politicians and bureaucrats try to manipulate society and its structures, someone has to be at the top and someone will always be at the top.

That is life.

If you can work your way up there, more grease to your elbows. We wish you all the best. Godspeed.

But if you cannot but must make do with being at the bottom or even somewhere in between, bear in mind that it is not a crime to be so.

Time and chance happens to all.

The issue is, when not at the top do not pretend to be there. Attempting to be so only adds up to your daily stress.

Know your capabilities, find your niche, fill the spot and fill it well. You will find a lot of joy and fulfillment in doing that.


cool, quiet, calm, enduring.....

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